Über etwas Obszönes

„I had plenty of time on my hands and not a sous to spend. Two or three hours of conversational lessons a day, and that was all. And what use was it, teaching these poor bastards English? I felt sorry as hell for them. All morning plugging away on John Gilpin’s Ride, and in the afternoon coming to me to practice a dead language. I thought of the good time I had wasted reading Virgil or wading through such incomprehensible nonsense as ‚Hermann und Dorothea‘. The insanity of it! Learning, the empty breadbasket! I thought of Carl praising the shit out of his immortal, incorruptible Goethe. And yet he hadn’t sense enough to take on a rich cunt and get himself a change of underwear. There’s something obscene in his love of the past which ends in breadlines and dugouts. Something obscene about his spiritual racket which permits an idiot to sprinkle holy water over Big Berthas and dreadnoughts and high explosives. Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy to the human race.“

Henry Miller (1889-1980): “Tropic of Cancer” (1934), S. 221

Essay: Artificial Intelligence & Music Production – A Personal Field Study (2023)

“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” Achilles in: “Troy” (2004)

ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence Generative Pre-Trained Transformer chatbot developed by OpenAI, was released to the public on November 30th, 2022. I had heard about it in media, youtube videos, and from geek friends but put it aside, a topic for later, let other people make their experiences with it and let me read the recapitulation next year. How new, how good, how different, how ground-breaking could it be? Well, I was about to find out. Weiterlesen

Out now: „Shoes / Hope“ – Dennis Schütze

Ab sofort ist die Doppelsingle „Shoes / Hope“ des Würzburger Musikers Dennis Schütze auf allen gängigen Streamingportalen erhältlich. An der Produktion beteiligt waren Dennis Schütze (voc, git, piano), Thilo Hofmann (bvoc, bass) & Jan Hees (mix, master).

Beide Songs stammen von Tom Waits und erschienen erstmals auf dessen Debutalbum „Closing Time“ (1973), das in diesem Jahr sein 50-jähriges Jubiläum feiert.